Welcome to Hindon CEVA Primary School ......... Where Happy Children Learn!

Autumn term A

The table below contains a 'menu' of activities that fit in with our topic 'Where we live' and will cover the National Curriculum of humanities. Please work through the activities at your own pace. 

Draw a picture of your habitat. What kinds of animals live around your home and have their own habitat nearby?

Water always flows downhill. When rain falls, it runs down the sides of hills into rivers in the bottom of the valleys between the hills. Rain and rivers are part of the water cycle.

Draw a diagram to show how the water cycle works.

Go for a walk around your house and decide whether you live in a village, a town or a city. What features have helped you decide?


Use the document ‘Where I live’.


Use the document ‘Where I live 2’.

Find a story from the Bible about Jesus and act it out.

Re-write the story using different characters.


Print out and sort the ‘Animals sorting’ cards.


Bake a pudding using some fruits picked from the countryside.


Find some different shaped and coloured leaves outside and create an Autumn picture.




