Welcome to Hindon CEVA Primary School ......... Where Happy Children Learn!

Welcome to Robin Class

To see regular updates of our day to day life in Robin Class, please see our Instagram Page using the following link:

Miss Chloe Gill is our Robins Class Teacher. Miss Gill has trained as a Reggio Emilia teacher. The Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education values the child as' strong, capable and resilient; rich with wonder and knowledge where every child has a deep curiosity and potential'.


The Reggio Emilia approach, similar to the Montessori approach has at its core a belief that children are born curious and competent and should be respected and celebrated; that they should be “co-constructors” within their own learning. Our classroom environment and our approach to educating our youngest pupils are based on these principles. 

We are a mixed age class of Reception and Year 1.

In Reception we follow the children’s interests which guide their learning, we do have set 'umbrella' topics throughout the year such as 'Spring' however we allow for our children's fascinations and interests to spark our curriculum and weave these into our weekly planning. It is imperative to fuel children’s curiosity and appetite for learning with themes and projects that are based on their own interests making for an incredibly rich, diverse and relevant environment; resulting in authentic and meaningful engagement and participation and thus a love for learning.
