Home Learning
Below is the home learning for the school year organised by subject. This is to be used by parents throughout the year if it becomes necessary for the children to work from home or indeed if any children would like to continue their learning at home.
The learning is directly linked to the topics that the children will be learning in school, which enables them to continue to learn at home and keep up with the work without any gaps appearing.
Don't forget, you should always be reading at home.
For each day that the children are absent from school we recommend completing one maths task, one times tables task, one spelling page and one Topic grid selection.
Maths- On each Year group page there is a yearly timetable at the top. This will give you an indication as to which subject the children are studying at school according to which week we are currently on. Choose one activity for each day and complete these. If you run out of activities under a particular section (because we have had to close for more than two days) re-cap previous learning, as it is always a good idea to go over things that the children have been learning earlier on in the year.
Spellings- As all of the children are at different stages in their spelling books, it is a good idea to print off these booklets at home and work through them in order. If you prefer, you can ask your child if they have any spellings within the booklet they would like to re-cap or learn at home to help them in school.
Topic- Choose one task from the home learning grid each day.