Welcome to the The Friends' section of the website.
The Friends' aims are to raise essential funds to enhance educational provision for the school, offering extra curricular opportunities and experiences, which could not otherwise be afforded.
Membership of this active association known as 'The Friends of Hindon School' consists of all parents, staff and supporters within the community.
The Friends' have recently contributed towards children going on school trips, paid towards outdoor play equipment for all the children, bought books for the wellbeing groups and provided painting overalls for all the children in school. We are also in the process of building an outdoor cover area for the children's potion kitchen area.
Social events are varied and last year included two Bingo evenings and a Christmas Fayre. Other fundraisers have included creating a Hindon School calendar which consisted of photos the school children had taken of the local area, and also a Grand Summer Raffle, which we hope to do again this year.
Not only are these events great fun, but it is your chance to help the children and meet other parents.
We welcome any fundraising ideas you may have and are always very keen for new members. Please email us at thefriendsofhindonschool@outlook.com if you need any further information.
We have recently created an Instagram page which we hope you will find fun and interesting. It will mean we can post photos of events and keep everyone more informed.
Please follow us @ thefriends_ofhindon_school
Thank you for all your help and support!
Registered Charity number 1144846