Welcome to Hindon CEVA Primary School ......... Where Happy Children Learn!

Summer 2024 - In a Land Far, Far Away

Welcome to Summer Term 2024. To see regular updates of our day to day life in Owl Class, please see our Instagram Page using the following link:

Trip Day!

Wild Trekkers Forest School Day! 
Click on the link below to see how much fun we had on our trip to Wild Trekkers!



Oysters Coppice 

We were very lucky to be invited to a local cluster school event held by Wiltshire Wildlife Trust. We had such a lovely day taking part in 11 different activities around the forest. 


In maths we’ve been learning about measuring. We started off using cubes and then moved on to measuring in cm. 


We have been working on refining our drawing skills and learning how to sketch. We can make sure we observe all the finer details, like these fine lines in the summer leaves we found. 


Our topic this term was ‘Moudable materials’. We learnt how to make a coil pot out of clay! 



Beach Day!

Our Class!
