Welcome to Hindon CEVA Primary School ......... Where Happy Children Learn!

Previous Spring Term Topic

       In the Spring Term, our cross curricular topic is based on a History theme.

                                                Medium Term Plans

Our Medium Term plans demonstrate how cross curricular topics support National Curriculum subject learning in a real and purposeful way for pupils to make links between subjects as they acquire knowledge and skills related to an overarching topic theme or line of enquiry. 

Investigating which materials were used to build Anderson Shelters. Cross Curricular tipic learning.

History: Why did WW2 Start? We learned about 'helping our friends'

History: Sources of Evidence

Art: Henry Moore WW2 War Artist

Painting Poppies for our WW1 topic

Long, Long Ago - Medium Topic Plans.

We went to Dorchester Museum to visit 'Dippy' the Dinosaur

We are investigators!
Investigating the past- Look at our amazing Pictures!

Long, long ago Prehistoric Times

Medium Term Plan Light it Up!

Ahoy There! Portsmouth Historic Dockyard
