Breakfast Club: 8.00 - 8.30am Monday - Friday
£3.00 per session or £5.00 with a continental style breakfast. Payable in advance to the office via BACs (see School Office tab for payment details) Please can children come into school via the Office Door (please ring the bell)
Start Time: Please Stop and Drop promptly!
Doors Open 8.30am - 8.45 am
After 8.45 Please bring your child to the Office door and sign a late slip with a reason for late attendance.
Registers 8.45 close at 8.50
Free Toast - 8.30 - 8.45am
Finish Times: Please arrive promptly
All classes finish at 3.00 pm.
Any changes to usual home time arrangements must be communicated to the office by a parent.
Please understand that we cannot allow a child home with someone we do not know and cannot take a child's word for a new home time arrangement.
ZAC After School Care
We are linked with ZAC (Zeals Afterschool Club) at Mere (10 minutes along A303) This is an Ofsted registered after school provision. The ZAC mini bus collects pupils from Hindon School at 3.00pm and transports them them to the club at Mere.
Please email the ZAC Office for further information.
Please do not bring Mobile Phones or Ipads in to school or on to the school grounds.