This term we have been extremely lucky to be able to visit ‘Weald & Downland Living Museum’, where the BBC programme ‘The Repair Shop’ is filmed…We were also there to see the amazing Tudor houses which have been saved from across the country.
The children were even lucky enough to be able to meet Jay Blades (the presenter) and Dominic Chinea (the ironmonger) from the show.
We had a fantastic day, exploring the incredible buildings and finally finding out where the saying ‘sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite’ comes from. The children were able to make their very own posies, to protect them from the plague and spent some time dressing up in traditional Tudor dress.
This half term in Science, we have been looking at circuits and how they work. We are very lucky to have lots of resources to help us explore this topic and we have thoroughly enjoyed creating our very own circuits out of it. We looked closely at parallel and series circuits as well as insulators and conductors.
In our Design Technology lessons, we have been working on creating our own picture frames. Queen Elizabeth I contacted us as carpenters and asked us to produce a picture frame to frame her Armada Portrait. We had specific instructions telling us exactly how the Queen wanted it made. This was the letter we received;
Dear Carpenter,
You have been chosen to design and make a picture frame to hold Queen Elizabeth I’s ‘Armada Portrait’ which will hang in her private gallery in Hatfield House. The Queen likes options, so please produce 3 designs and she will pick her favourite. You must meet the following requirements;
Kind Regards and best of luck,
The Royal Advisor, William Cecil
We created the picture frames using a hand-held mitre saw which helped us to create a 45Ëš angle. When placed against another 45Ëš angle, this created our 90Ëš (right angle) for the corner of our frames. We then decorated them with Tudor influenced designs to fit in with her Tudor mansion.
This half term we have been working on the Armada Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I. Kestrels looked at modern day 'selfies' and compared them to portraits with hidden messages in them. We discussed that people will only show you what they want you to see online and this is why it is important not to compare yourself to other people on the internet. Photos can be photoshopped, 'selfies' can be edited, so just keep that in mind when you upload anything to the internet.
We have looked at colour mixing and using acrylic paint and canvas to recreate the Armada Portrait. First we had a go independently and then we worked together, as a class, step-by-step, to create our pictures. We are very pleased with how well they turned out.
As I'm sure you're all well aware by now, we have sent the recorders home, for the children to practice Greensleeves (you're welcome). Below is the link to YouTube which we have been using to teach us.