Welcome to Hindon CEVA Primary School ......... Where Happy Children Learn!

Ethos of our Church School

                      We are a Church School  




                               Our Vision


Within a culture where every child matters, pupils are encouraged to be the very best they can be. Guided by an understanding of fundamental British values, supported by a nurturing Christian ethos: Happy Children Learn.


'Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life.' (Proverbs 22:6)




                                                         Christian Ethos Intent


It is our intent, within our Christian ethos, to nurture the development of the whole child, through a holistic approach to education in order that they are ready to embrace the next stage in their education and to be positive a member of society. We foster a lifelong love of learning and support the innate desire within us all to be kind. We teach our pupils to understand a need for justice and equality and to respect individualism in order to live harmoniously in a multicultural, global society.

We promote an understanding of the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle and support the development of emotional wellbeing.  We teach pupils to keep themselves and others safe and protected from harm. We encourage pupils’ future aspirations and support every pupil to be the best they can be.

Our Christian gospel states that each person is uniquely valuable in the sight of God. Our Christian ethos embodies kindness, tolerance, and mutual respect, to grow into the potential God gave us.


Golden Rules


Work Hard and Be Kind!


 Core Values  


Friendship, Courage, Peace,   

Justice,  Compassion, Hope,  



    Our Christian and British Values form the basis of our Class and Whole School worships. 


        Autumn Term                    Spring Term                                 Summer Term 


 British Values


 Democracy             The Rule of Law


Mutual Respect                      Individual Liberty                     


Christian Values


Friendship              Justice

Kindness                               Hope

  Courage                                   Peace






SIAMS Inspection Report 2022

RE Policy

RE Scheme of Work

Worship Planning Themes

Our local Church

Salisbury Cathedral Visit linked to our topic Town Mouse, Country Mouse

Commemorating 'Peace at Last' the end of WW1

Events and Activities promoting an understanding of Christianity, World Religions, Global Citizenship and British Values